Custom Shoes - Detailed

Image of Custom Shoes - Detailed Image of Custom Shoes - Detailed
Tracy Vu
UCLA 2023
Buy Now Contact Artist
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14 x 5 x 9 in.
**\*MADE TO ORDER\*** **\*PRICING RANGES FROM $80 - $150! PRICES ARE BASED ON DESIGN ONLY (NOT INCLUDING THE COSTS OF SHOES). CHECK OUT SHIPPING DETAILS FOR FURTHER DETAILS!\*** **ORDERING:** Please dm me the details of what you want on your shoes and try to order **AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE**! **SHIPPING DETAILS :** If you wanted to customize an old pair of shoes, I can work with them as long as it's sent to me. If new shoes are wanted, I will add the cost of the shoes to the cost of the design. Of course I'll send them back when I'm done! **CREDIT:** While I did paint the designs on the shoes, some of these designs are created by others (aka, it's not my own design).